Phosphor Copper Shots
MEPOSO Phosphor Copper Shots or granules of different zize are produced for the Phosphorus-Copper 15%. We offer shots in three different standard sizes (<3mm, 3-6mm and 5-15mm). For more information about powder requirements you may have, please contact us.
Applications: This alloy are used as deoxidant and alloying agent in the copper industry and has also applications in the aluminum, bronze and brass industry.
Download our catalogueCOPPER PHOSPHORUS - CUP
Grade: Cu - bal% - P 6 to 15 %
Shot Grain Granules Metal Pellets
Grain size: upon request
Grade: Cu - bal% - P 6 to 15 %
Shot Grain Granules Metal Pellets
Grain size: upon request
CUPRONI - Cupro-nickel
Grade: Cu - bal% - Ni 10 to 20 %
Shot Grain Granules Metal Pellets
Grain size: upon request